Saturday, April 14, 2018

Waterworld all Weekend.......

We have been seeing lots of rain through the night and also will have it most of the day on Saturday. We are in the center of Iowa so we won’t see snow until late today.  Northern Iowa is in a snowstorm that started in the night.  Tornado warnings were everywhere in the state last night with the worse of it in the south of the state. My little squirrel friend was really hungry this morning but really didn’t like being in the rain. I bet if it breaks off raining for a short time he will be back.  I need to dump the seed into a colander and drain off the water. I am getting my wish to have green grass.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

We had big storms last night..scary. Now today the sun is shining so pretty, but it is icy cold with the wind even though the thermometer says 52. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Cute photo of that determined and hungry squirrel. I visited my plant friend, Miss Martha, recently...the photos are on my blog if you get a chance to look.

Karen said...

After all the rain here, the whole world looked so green this morning! Stay safe in the stormy weather.
