Saturday, May 26, 2018

Black Iris......

The only time that it is black in color is when it is in the bud stage. I haven’t seen this iris bloom for three years or more.  It was being partially shaded at the farm but I did remember that it was the black iris. I have it in the new garden area out in the open sun and look at that bloom. I am sharing the opening view of it for now.  It really is a deep darker purple. The light of the day makes it look like different colors.  It is an outstanding hybrid that they genetics experts created.


Karen said...

Such a deep rich color!

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful! I've never seen one like this. So happy that you have it with you in your new yard for many to enjoy. Blessings to you both this weekend.

Unplanned Accident....

 I shot this while trying to text my wife photo and message. It looks like a planned composition.