Saturday, June 23, 2018

Late Arrival is Nesting.....

My front yard robin did finally find a mate.  Instead of using the old nest they made a new one in the fork of a the second tree. When I tried to take the photo I thought I had failed by only getting the back view of the robin sitting on the nest.  It wasn’t until I downloaded them that I saw the miracle of getting her looking around at me. It is an accidental shot that made me very happy.


Karen said...

Yes, it's a great photo!

Jeevan said...

Lovely capture and sweet of her to look back at you ;)

Timelesslady said...

Wow! You couldn't have planned that backward look if you tried. Perfect.

Evening Sky....

 The neighbor's clump birch looks treat in front of the sunset sky of the day. I am sure it was more wonderful with all that foreground ...