Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Robin’s and their Young......

It has been so quiet at this nest the past few days.  I thought that the nest had been abandoned. I now realize that the two robins out in the yard were busy catching insects.  I never heard the birds when they were at the stage of chirping for food.

The rate of growth of the baby birds is so amazing.  I could see them being out of the nest in a couple of days.  This is the second nest that the parents had made as the first one sits about three feet over from this one.


Anonymous said...

Sweet pictures. Our little nest under our deck is empty now. The cats sure enjoyed watching the birds.

Jeevan said...

Wow, it was like yesterday I saw the bird built the nest and now well gown chicks appear! Amazing growth and thanks for sharing

Silver Maple....

 I like capturing shots of the old silver maple that is down the street and one over from our place. The sun glow of the sunset turns it int...