Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Storms Move Through......

We really needed the cool down and the storms moving through did do that.  I was getting tired of wiping the fog off of my lens every rtime I went outside to take a shot.  More rain is coming and that is good.


Anonymous said...

Amazing photos. Thankful for the much needed rain you received. Blessings to you this day.

claude said...

We had the same sky one week ago with a lot of reain and thunder.
Today it is summer, tomorrow and thirsday it will cold. Crazy weather !

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Waiting for a good shower here also. This heat is unbearable and it's not even July yet.

Silver Maple....

 I like capturing shots of the old silver maple that is down the street and one over from our place. The sun glow of the sunset turns it int...