Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Chilling on the Patio Table........

A pan of seed is buried in the snow and the seed in the pan is frozen into globs.  He stood there and twirled the iced piece and the seeds were spinning and flying around.


Lisa said...

I love squirrels. While I am told by wildlife "experts" there are squirrels in my neighborhood, I have lived here 7 1/2 years and there are no squirrels in my neighborhood! We have plenty of trees, so I don't know why not. There are raccoons and opossums in the culverts. There are owls and something (owls?) that beheads large raptors in the night in my cedar trees, leaving headless carcasses on the ground. It's pretty awful, and I yell for my son to come take care of them!
There are squirrels in other areas of the city.

Laurel Wood said...

His face is messy from his eating!

Dianna said...

Very cute...he was enjoying a snow cone. Isn't it fun to watch them?

Rose said...

Sweet shot!

Jeevan said...

Looks he get to taste icy seeds!
