Wednesday, January 16, 2019


The man who checked out my furnace suggested I buy some of his expensive air filters.  I said I would buy them.  He installed the first one for me and then left me directions on the vent as how they are to be place in the slot. He also wants me to replace that metal vertical tube.  It was explained to me that the furnace isn’t getting the return air fed through it fast enough. For a thousand dollars I can replace it then I will have faster and more air flow.  I did ask why don’t I just allow the furnace fan to run twice as long and think about that replacement another year.  Its the original furnace installed in the 2003 house and they did cut corners on the furnace on efficiency.  Also 15 years has given the industry time to develop better furnaces.

1 comment:

Laurel Wood said...

Always something! We have been buying the more expensive filters also.
