Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Big Moon is Back.......

There are excuses when you don’t get the most perfect shot.  It is too cold to stand outside with a tripod.  I guess I could buy coveralls so that I can take the perfect shot. I actually took this shot with the sliding glass door slid open, me standing inside, freezing out the people and dog with breaths of frigid air.  It was a high of 14 degrees F. today.  When I was snow blowing outside earlier this morning it was 10 degrees F.

1 comment:

Laurel Wood said...

It is a beautiful moon shot. Stay safe and warm today.
We had heavy rain yesterday and a wind advisory today. I imagine trees out in the woods will fall today.

Tuesday Morn....

   The evening shot at the top is almost the same as the morning shot. The earth continues to tilt and look at where the sun is hitting alre...