Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Big Moon is Back.......

There are excuses when you don’t get the most perfect shot.  It is too cold to stand outside with a tripod.  I guess I could buy coveralls so that I can take the perfect shot. I actually took this shot with the sliding glass door slid open, me standing inside, freezing out the people and dog with breaths of frigid air.  It was a high of 14 degrees F. today.  When I was snow blowing outside earlier this morning it was 10 degrees F.

1 comment:

Laurel Wood said...

It is a beautiful moon shot. Stay safe and warm today.
We had heavy rain yesterday and a wind advisory today. I imagine trees out in the woods will fall today.

Brief Visit.....

 I haven't seen a cardinal at my feeder for a very long time. When I saw the flash of red my brain had to process what I was seeing.  I ...