Friday, February 1, 2019

Sunset Boulevard.......on Brookeline Drive.

As the temperature changes drastically change the clouds show off the mixtures of the air. The sunset was putting out so many rippled clouds and feathery fluffs.  We were actually 1 degree F. at bedtime, with predicted above freezing temperatures by late Friday evening. Going from -24 degrees to 1 degree is a big change. It even feels warmer in the house when it is just above 0 degrees.


Jeevan said...

Beautiful capture on the sky and that's really a great degree of warmer to emerge. Hope you feel comfort at home. For me the even that 1 degree is hard to bear.

Take care

FlowerLady Lorraine said...


Laurel Wood said...

Good Morning, Such a pretty sky. I'm thankful you are getting relief from the bitter cold. Wishes for a blessed weekend.

claude said...

Beautiful sky !
Have a nice week-end, Larry !

A Cold Moon.....