Monday, March 4, 2019


A fantasized view of friendly bunnies makes for a good theme for this old sculpture of mine.  I place it in the flower garden even though it is better displayed on a shelf or counter. I didn’t remember the bunny was on the right side as one seems to just look at the bunny and boy looking at each other.


Laurel Wood said...

It's a beautiful piece. I know you look forward to the day you can place it in the flower bed.
I sure like the new gazing ball you shared in an earlier post. I've always wanted one!

Jeevan said...

Very cute sculpture and i really loved the gestures of all! Wherever you place the sculpture were sure to look fine.


 It’s a plant that takes care of itself. I plant small sprigs of it and look at it now. I also see the weeds but I don’t stay home long enou...