Friday, May 29, 2020

Good to find......

I brought this to the new place last year not knowing what it was  I did think that I remembered it growing in a certain location.  I was correct. The old cemetery iris is beautiful. I remember the iris in my youth days at cemeteries  in southern Iowa.  I am still looking for the yellow and brown one that was called bumble bee. I had it at the old place but it doesn't seem to be there anymore.


Karen said...


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

That is a real beauty! Have a great weekend with your dear wife ~ FlowerLady

Laurel Wood said...

So beautiful. I've seen the yellow/brown one before. If I see any for sale, I'll pass some along.

Color Blends.....

 Thursday morning glow of the start of the day is seen with all these blended colors.Leaves are not started to bud yet but soon the view wil...