Sunday, November 29, 2009

Silent Sunday.......

Bar Harbor, Maine

A Rockefeller bridge

Have a restful Sunday.


Anonymous said...

The last picture looks so peaceful - A nice quiet sunday drive.

GLOGIRLY said...

Those are beautiful shots, Larry!
I really love the two of the boats.
All three are very nicely composed. : )

update from Katie:
I have been able to control my urges to swat at the Christmas ornaments. I feel it is buying me some trust and respect that will come in handy later.

Sunny said...

Lovely and peaceful, especially the first picture.
Sunny :)

The Retired One said...

I love the simplicity of the first shot, and really liked the other ones too. Great captures!


 The sedum opens all the little flowers to create globes of color. The foliage is healthy this year and has a great contrasting green color ...