Monday, January 25, 2010

Sitting on the dock of the bay.......

Getting out of a rut for a while and kissing the bad weather good bye, or maybe I just won't talk about it anymore, here is a view of last summer's visit to Maine. Being a land lubber this sight is enjoyable to see. A lobster fisherman has his stack of traps sitting there to be ready for pick up.  I am not sure why they are there except it is afternoon and they maybe have unloaded their traps and left them there for some reason. It is a sight for a old farmboy to enjoy.


Valerie said...

At first glance I thought there was a boy in a red jacket and white hat sitting on the crates. Silly me. It looks an awfully peaceful scene but I bet there was a hive of activity later on.

Stephanie said...

Made me hunger for shellfish.

The Retired One said...

Great subject for a photo and your artist lens found it!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I just want to sit on that dock and put my feet in the water and soak up some sunshine:)

Fern Leafed Peony...