Friday, March 12, 2010


Not a photo ready for  the National Geographic.  This is one of those you take knowing the camera is never going to pull it off. I bought some guppies to go in the  tank with my two goldfish.  They seem very happy as the feed on the top of the water and goldfish are bottom feeders.  Tropical paradise for the fish and I just like to watch them.


The Retired One said...

I like to watch fish peaceful and fluid....

claude said...

We had some of those but they die. We bought others and they die too. Now we have cold water fish, a red one and a chubukin.

claude said...

Oups ! It was very cold this week but spring arrives on the beggining of the next one.


 I marked some hostas for a friend to let her know which ones she can get new starts from for har new garden spot.