Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New plant in the house.....

African violets are so inviting when you go to the man's store.  I was at The Home Depot Saturday.  I wasn't looking for anything in particular as I had spent my life at lumber stores for two months in a  row when remodeling. I had become a little tired with going to them. 
While I was there,  I glanced over at the plants that were blooming and couldn't resist bringing home a cheap plant.  I keep thinking I might start collecting cactus but they are not to entertaining.  I know that I don't need another violet, but the ones that I have came from one of our funerals, and they are all three the old fashion violet.   This gives us some different color to look at while we wait for spring.
Alan, over  there in England is saying that the collecting disease is still not eradicated from this guy, he is out of control.  Alan is right.

But I am not taking pictures of snow!!!!!!!!!


Valerie said...

Thanks for not taking snow pictures, I think we've all had enough... your choice for a cheap plant is much nice. Violets always cheer the place up.

Sunny said...

I love the color of your violet and the composition of your second picture. Spring is on the way!
Sunny :)

Anonymous said...

I love violets too and these pictures are so nice. Can you believe it was almost 60* here yesterday and today snow is piling up outside here in GA??? I promise not to take photos!!!

claude said...

Pretty flowers and beautiful colors !
Sorry but I have not much time for blogging this week.

The Retired One said...

It is a really pretty, soft pastel color...I like it!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Very pretty new plant..lovely spring color! :)
