Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Water drops, color, and an ant.........

This lily is struggling in an area where I have a ladder leaning and a bunch of steel posts. When taking the shot I had to lean around it all and just snap.  The water droplets are a great touch but then I saw the ant. What more can you ask for, wild life photo, right?

A bonus photo showing the rich color of this lily. More rain predicted tonight, not just misting anymore, but a real rain.


Anonymous said...

That is a pretty lily Larry. That second shot just glows in the middle. We have not had rain in a couple of days now and the ground is so hard. Good ole' Georgia red clay! Not!

Give Barnabus and Button a scratch on the head from me and Harriet!

Christine H. said...

Oh Larry, I think you must have the loveliest garden.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Wildlife like that is easy..great shots Larry:)

Valerie said...

The raindrops really show up, makes a perfect picture. Please keep the rain ... grins ... we've had enough of it this year.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Beautiful lily, and the ant and the waterdrops certainly add to the picture. Capturing a critter like that is always neat. Sometimes you don't even see them until you upload the pics into your computer.

Have a great day ~ FlowerLady

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...


Sorry I have taken a few days to get back to you. I am hoping this comment will get through as there is a blogger problem today. A lot of comments are not getting to the blogs, I have had this happen to me today. You get an email but no comment.

Anyway thank you for your kind words about my two. They do have very different personalities and yet get on so well. I love how different and unique they both are. :)

The flowers on here are lovely, even with the rain drops on them.... and the lonely little ant is sweet.

I have listed a couple of your blogs on my link list now, so I can visit easier. I don't use the google reader much, I prefer using the blog links.

Hope this comment gets through ok.
Have a nice week! :)

claude said...

Very beautiful Lily, Larry ! Specially with the water drops on it.


 The sedum opens all the little flowers to create globes of color. The foliage is healthy this year and has a great contrasting green color ...