Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jack Sparrow with an attitude.........

Photo by guest artist Della Burgus

Jack knows how to escape his cage and I really don't blame him for wanting to be out of that space.  He gets out and then immediately squawks though because he wants me to put him back into his cage.  It is an exercise for him, escape and return.

Today he was so cute as he sat on a shelf behind things.  He would peak over at me and see if I could find him.  He kept ducking his head and all I could see is the top notch moving up and down.

In order to catch him in a friendly way, he turns his back to me and I pick him up with a dish towel.  One needs to cover his head so he won't turn and clamp that beak on the soft part of you hand between finger and thumb. Oh that does hurt when he does that.  He doesn't struggle but I think he thinks he needs to hang on to me while I move him back into his cage. They use their beak to climb and move around the cage.

One of his offspring in another cage plays with the vertical sliding doors and once in a while discovers it will stick and stay open for him.  He acts the same way and also turns his back to me so I can place the towel on him to lift him back into the cage. 


He is a pretty bird.  He really is very friendly pet that we enjoy very much.


Lo said...

What a lovely bird. Won't he hop on your finger if you put it against his chest? My parakeet, Chauncy, used to do that to exit and enter the cage. He would also sit on my shoulder and head and nibble my ear but he didn't have the biting power you describe.

Sunny said...

He is so cute and he looks like he enjoys having his picture taken too!
I used to have a parakeet that we used to call Houdini because he was a total escape artist, he even learned to open the door of his cage! Haha!
☼ Sunny

Valerie said...

Beautiful birds. I am quite envious as I no longer have birds for pets. I had a parrot, a cockatiel, and several budgies ... not all at once though. I am about to post a story about the parrot on A Mixed Bag.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Such a sweet bird, very clever too.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We have had budgies and one very spoiled Cockatiel. I trained them all to hop on my finger..the Cockatiel hated me..she was a one man bird. Your Jack Sparrow is beautiful! Birds are wonderful pets:)


 The sedum opens all the little flowers to create globes of color. The foliage is healthy this year and has a great contrasting green color ...