Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Aaron's Tricycle..........

When I left my job at school a couple years back I had a lot of clearing of things to do.  I had been with the school for 31 years.  I left the tricycle behind for the next teacher to use as a still life drawing model.

The trike actually was one that my dad had pulled out of the dump.  It had been run over by a vehicle and was all bent up.  My dad hammered it back into shape and Aaron would get to ride on it when he was visiting Grandparents.  Eventually it came home with us.  I had forgotten that I left it behind, but pictures of it are all I need to own. When I saw it sitting out,when I arrived to sub in the room on Thursday,  I was pleased to see it.

The front tire is worn out, or rotted out.  I can remember high school boys trying to ride this thing, which would have been a funny sight.  I like that the tassels of plastic are still on the handles.

Oh yes, Aaron Joshua is now 32 years old.


Anonymous said...

That must have thrilled you to see this tricycle again! Thanks for sharing the photos.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

what a great memory that had to be, when you saw it. Great still life object!

Valerie said...

I like the angle in the top picture. How nice for you to see it again and still be able to leave it behind.

claude said...

That is a good idea to save this tricycle or others things of the past.

Christine H. said...

What a great trike...and wonderful memories.

Far Side of Fifty said...

What a great piece of still life..with memories..have you sketched it for your son? :)


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