Thursday, March 24, 2011

Indoor plants because of outdoor weather........

Composition of shapes and colors to brighten your day.  I need to go outdoors but it is freezing out there, literally.


Lo said...

How delicious!
What are they?
Thanks for brightening my day.

Anonymous said...

Many of my blog friends are experiencing cold weather again. Your photo collage is amazing. The violets always remind me of Mother. Enjoy your day and stay warm.

troutbirder said...

Freezing is bad enough but toss in some rain, sleet and snow as here. Yuk. I do have some amarylis blooming this week though. I like your African violets....

Betsy Brock said...

My African Violet bloomed this week, too!

claude said...

Very pretty, Larry !
Sorry, but over here sun and warm. It seems the rain is coming for the week-end.

Valerie said...

Lovely collage, Larry. My spring plants are doing well in the garden now that the weather has warmed up.

A Cold Moon.....