Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday's whiteout.........

No, we didn't have any snow. It is just another rose with it's pure whiteness. Our snow is melting away a little each day.  It is warm enough in the afternoon outside that there is mud for Barney to get into so I walk him every afternoon. 


Anonymous said...

That's one of the most perfect roses I've ever seen; simply gorgeous! We are having an all day/night rain. Lots of muddy spots to keep Harriet out of.

Out on the prairie said...

My favorite white rose is John F. Kennedy.Nice selection, I had fun roving through a bit. Nice to have you along.

Valerie said...

I prefer the rose to the snow any day and the one in your picture is really beautiful, like a real sugary confection.

George said...

I like this kind of white. This is a beautiful rose.

Far Side of Fifty said...

What a beautiful white is perfect! What a lovely gift for Della:)

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