Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday's Statue...........

It is actually another shot of a figurine that I probably have posted a few time before now.  The light from the window and from above gives it different and interesting shadows.


Anonymous said...

This is really nice. You both have so many wonderful pieces and I enjoy them very much.

laveta'splace said...

I'm glad you posted it again because I love it.

Valerie said...

It's lovely. It looks like a Lladro, which is my favourite.

troutbirder said...

As you've surely noted from my blog photographs I'm not much of an artist. But I do know it all about shadow and light. A certain famous painter who drew the Rouen cathedral proved that to me.

Down the Way....

 The air is crisp at -7 degrees F./-21.6 C. and the sun still shines. I enjoy living along this road with the curve headed to our direction ...