Monday, February 20, 2012

Just Because........

The photo is archived and tomorrow's may also be a reposting too.  I found this photo in my picasa storage and I just really like it.  Marbles are like individual little artworks.  The color and the shine makes them magical.

 Finding them loose outside while you dig in your garden makes them a joyful gift.  Finding them in the basement of my parents house is wonderful. Finding them around the house is fun too.  I use to buy bags of them at garage sales and the boys would play with them, so they are scattered through out their boxes of stored things.  Never will there be a loose marble that I won't pick up and pocket it for storage in my jar.


Anonymous said...

When I was little, I would be digging in the dirt at our old homeplace and find lots of Karen and Larry's marbles! I always was fascinated by the different designs/colors. I love this photo!

Anonymous said...

I guess Karen and Larry both lost their marbles, huh???? I'll have to tease them both!!!!!

laveta'splace said...

I remember those marbles. After my parents died, we found several that my brothers had played with. She kept them all those years.
And I'm still glad your are posting some older pictures. I'm enjoying them.

LoieJ said...

Childhood memories. I don't think that my kids had marbles, except for some games and toys.

claude said...

I remember when I was playing with my little brother.
Your figurine is very pretty, Larry.

Valerie said...

I would dearly like a fancy jar full of colourful marbles. It would look so attractive.

Alan Burnett said...

I have to agree Larry, as I have got older I have come to enjoy the beauty of marbles even more. I occasionally buy individual ones and take them home and keep them in a box. Isobel says I am going through my second childhood, I say I don't care.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I love marbles and collect them..recently I got a gift from an old was a whole jar full of marbles! I have them near my computer and enjoy looking at them:)

Still Life

 After they were used they had to be washed clean. Then they get stacked up in a couple of piles.