Friday, February 24, 2012

Snow Frosting........

The snow started late Thursday afternoon.  It was a light fluffy snow that cleaned up all the remaining snow.  It was more of a coating that the last snow. I have many photos of how it looks frosted all over the out of doors.

My only real good angle to take the snow effects on the ash tree also has our power line incorporated in the composition.


Anonymous said...

Pretty photos, Larry. Your house in the header pictures is absolutely beautiful with the snow. Have a nice Friday and enjoy the weekend.

Elizabeth McCrindle said...

Love the middle photo with the wee houses so cute :D

Valerie said...

Oh I love the new look and the pictures are fabulous. It's the only time I like to see snow ... in pictures.

claude said...

Beautiful photos, Larry !
Snow time is over here.
Have a nice week-end.

laveta'splace said...

I like the little miniature houses. I know those power lines have to be there but I hate that they are always in the way of some really good views.

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