Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I am waiting for a really bad snow storm and then I am going to light them up again.  I still have my lights on the tree next to them and it will look really cool when I light them up in snow drifts.  Right now it is ugly. We didn't have a lot of snow during the Christmas season and I needed an excuse to leave them up.  I will light them up for a couple of days, 24 hours a day, when we get the big one, whenever that is.


troutbirder said...

Good idea, Larry. Here's hoping!

claude said...

Oh my goodness !

laveta'splace said...

Awww, come on, light them up now; just in case you don't get that really big storm

ScrappySandie said...

I agree with Laveta...go ahead and light 'em up! And I want to see pictures of that...even if you don't get much more snow.
Thanks, Larry!
Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day to you and Della!

Michael and Hanne said...

Snow is never ugly Larry! Your snow photos are great!
Merry Christmas!

George said...

I look forward to seeing them lit up after a big snow.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You got my snow too..Congrats:)

Valerie said...

Don't wait, do it now so we can see them lit up.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

They kind of remind me of skeletons...

Late Afternoon....

 Looking up the street at late afternoon one can see a subtle sunset. The clouds are faint but the color is great.  It is a snow melting day...