Thursday, March 1, 2012

Eating Sunflower Seeds......

The guy picked out one seed at a time and then rolled it sideways then vertically in his beak.  I am amazed at how he can get it to break and the seed does not fall out of his beak while breaking it.  It is such a skill.


claude said...

Hi Larry !
From my kitchen window I can see the birds eating sunflower seeds. Seedss rather hard to eat for birds.
Your bird is red with black face. Not the same coloers of my goldfinch but really beautiful too.

The Retired One said...

He is gorgeous...nice shots Larry!

troutbirder said...

I often wondered about the exact same thing. Cardinals seems especially good at it. :)

George said...

These are great pictures of the cardinal. I like your collage as well.

Anonymous said...

Birds are fascinating to watch. Thanks for sharing these awesome pics.

Christine H. said...

We don't have cardinals out here in Portland, OR so they always seem a little exotic to me. They are certainly beautiful.

Veronica said...

Very nice! I love cardinals.

Catching Dreams....