Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Day to Reflect.........

I looked down at the pond and saw the ash tree creating a great pattern in the water.  I have removed all of the fish getting the pond ready for winter.  Have a great Wednesday.


Linda said...

Absolutely beautiful, Larry.

claude said...

Nice picture, Larry !
We do not remove any fish for the winter. They stay on the bottom of the pond and they fall into a lethargic state.

L. D. said...

Our winters can get as cold as -13 degrees F. or -25 degrees C. so my pond can freeze solid. I know that if it were a deeper pond I could probably leave them in there.

Anonymous said...

Stunning reflection, Larry.

George said...

This is a marvelous photo. The leaves and reflection of the tree create a perfect picture for autumn.

Michael and Hanne said...

Nice photo. You got everything in focus with lots of colours!

Christine H. said...

Absolutely gorgeous photo. So, where do you put those fish?

I had some in my pond, but between the raccoons and the herons, all were eaten.

L. D. said...

The fish I had in there were ones I was given from the schools science department. I returned them to him so they have a 55 gallon tank to live in all winter and spring.

Karen said...

This is one of my favorite pictures (and you have so many wonderful ones)

The Tank Thug.....

 I went to the aquarium part of a pet store yesterday to buy some more tropical fish. To my surprise the entire wall of aquariums were gone....