Tuesday, October 9, 2012

An Iowa Ditch............

While visiting friends north of where we live a few miles, we were able to take a hike around their property.  They have built a compact home and an artist studio on 14 acres of land that is near the Des Moines River area. They planted a prairie on a farm field right next to their house.

This photo shows the diversity of our landforms in Iowa. This is a ditch or large ravine that cuts through the back of their property. It cuts through the whole length of their property.  The deer love to live back in here.  When it rains the overflow will travel down the ravine but on a normal day their is no spring to feed the stream bed.

The glacier movement that formed Iowa cut many deep areas in our land.  We have a lot of flat land but it is broken up with these kind of areas near our rivers.  If you remember from a past photo, of a few years back, southern Iowa has rolling hills and deep ditches. The photo above shows those landforms.  I always like to drive by this area on the interstate as there are always cows grazing on the hills.


Linda said...

Lovely photos, Larry.

Anonymous said...

Because of that landscape, I have read that different tribes of Indians liked it too. Nice photos and an interesting read.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting, Larry.
Our old property had a ditch right across the middle down to the creek and the deer just loved it.
So happy you were able to visit with your friends and enjoy being outdoors.

Martin said...

The dingle dell in the first shot is wonderful.

Valerie said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely. I cannot imagine being able to see deer and cows so close to where I live. I must be heaven.

The Tank Thug.....

 I went to the aquarium part of a pet store yesterday to buy some more tropical fish. To my surprise the entire wall of aquariums were gone....