Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday's Shot.......

There is not sunshine in our area today.  There was sunshine about three days ago and they promise we will see the sun by the end of the week.


Anonymous said...

What a pretty picture. Lots of rain here. A good day to stay indoors.

ScrappySandie said...

Hi Larry! Haven't been to visit your blog in a while...sorry. Checked back about 2 weeks and it looks like you've been enjoying Spring! Lots of lovely flower photos, and the old car...those are favorites! Love your wife's bunny picture too. My hubby will be traveling home from MN tomorrow, driving through IA. He sent me a picture on his phone of all the snow! We've had a few beautiful days in the low 80's here in MI. Spring IS coming...actually, we might just jump right into summer!
Thanks for posting such unique and interesting photos!
