Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Storms.............

We need the rain but we really didn't like the continue huge winds for the entire night.  It isn't so strong to cause damage but it sure sounds like it could when you are inside the house.  It is nice to keep getting rain as we are still are considered in a moderate drought location. Things are really starting to green but trees are not quite out at this time.

The tulip above is an early blooming variety.  I will be sharing photos of it as soon as it shows one flower.  I don't specifically remember tulip colors and where they are planted.  I guess that is why the spring flowers are a surprise each year.


Anonymous said...

Hope you won't have any damaging winds. Your tulips will be lovely. I remember one year, our hosta was so pretty and the hail just destroyed it.

A Colorful World said...

I bet they will be beautiful! Isn't spring grand!

Linda said...

I hope the winds don't cause any damage, Larry. Lovely photo.

Valerie said...

Heard about the tornado and the damage it caused. Hope this didn't affect you.


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...