Thursday, April 17, 2014

Winter Be Gone.......

This was taken a couple of days ago and I am certain there will still be a trace of snow along the shed still this morning.  It looks more hopeful out there though as my chokecherry tree is putting out its first leaves and some of the grass areas are green.  In spite of the cold the iris and tulips are shooting up as well as the dandelions are starting to bloom on the south side of buildings. I will get my morning glories planted along the trellis as soon as the soil warms up to help germinate the seed.


Linda said...

I can relate, Larry, as winter is very slow to leave here in Montreal!

claude said...

Spring flowers are the signal of the coming spring.
We have not the same weather over here. Yesterday afternnon we were like in summer.

Valerie said...

Let's hope the snow completely disappears soon.

Hospital and Clinic Zone.....