Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Guest Photographer..........

I am back with the living.  My wife went outside and took shots while I have been down.  I thought I had beat the allergy attack on Monday.  I taught all day on Tuesday but knew I was in trouble by that last period of the day.  My body just could not fight it.  I lasted until Wednesday evening and then my wife took me to the emergency room.  I won't go into detail but I ended up having an infection  or maybe two that caused severe dehydration and high fever that wouldn't go away. My lungs were a big part of the problem and I suspect I should start coughing soon.

I did miss out on a lot of stuff as my wife brought in pictures of what is going on out side.  The plants sort of survived a big wind and hail storm on Tuesday night.  The iris above came out after the storm.  Our hail was a quarter size and was noisy.  It beat up the geraniums that were in pots and we are still covered with leaves.

I don't want to use up all the great photos my wife's but I have been gone for a while. This is a short iris that I have which reminds me of a tall hybrid one.  This year we had the rain and we have blooms. I worry about my baby birds out there as I can't get out there but maybe by tomorrow or Monday they won't be flying away without one last photo.

The globe alum took a great hit from the hail storm.  I have some mor time to get more photos once I am more on my feet.  I miss being on the net but wasn't able to muster the energy.  Thanks for stopping by today.  


Anonymous said...

I am really sorry you have been so sick. Praying you feel better and get your energy back soon. I enjoyed your wife's photos very much. God bless you both.

Dan the Mountain Man said...

I am glad you are feeling better. It is hard during allergy season to tell sometimes if you fighting allergies or you have an infection. Your wife's pictures look great. Thanks for sharing them.

Valerie said...

I hope you are on the way to a full recovery, Larry. Your wife's pictures are lovely, hope they cheered you up. It was my birthday on Friday and a neighbour gave me an armful of allium ... it's years since I saw that flower and now I have vases full plus your photograph.

Architecture with Frosting....