Saturday, May 17, 2014

Feathering Out........

The four eggs that hatched into birds are not wasting any time in their development.  Fur to feathers and they will soon be out of the nest.  I think they have a 10 to 14 day turnover once hatched to leave the nest.  I haven't seen any feeding going on but the parents are busy hunting for food.  I will mow near the nest today and the robins will be out in the yard looking for the worms and bugs that are exposed because of the mower. 


Anonymous said...

What a great photo. Don't work too hard.

Betsy Brock said...

Aw...that is just the sweetest thing ever! What a great shot! If it wasn't for their beaks, we wouldn't know what was what! haha. How snuggly.

Valerie said...

Loved this, Larry. The only babies we have are the bluetits and we can't see them until they emerge from the nest. We know when they're ready to fly when they start looking out of the nesting box's little hole.

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