Saturday, May 3, 2014

Home Sweet Home..........

I wasn't sure which photo to share but I think I will just share two.  The nest is easy to shoot pictures and yet it is high enough that I can't get that perfect shot. In this photo the nest is emphasized. It is hard to believe the time and energy it takes to retrieve every piece and to weave it  into a nest.  Earlier it had a small sheet of plastic woven into it on the outside but the winds did finally remove it from the tangled stems.

They really are robin egg blue in color.  The shot I took was the result of hanging the camera up above my head in my hand and just randomly shooting. It is dark under the eave so it messes with the focus on the camera. I guess this photo still emphasizes the nest but it is more about the eggs in this photo. 


Kay said...

I have hummers that hang out in the tree in my back yard. I hear them up there all the time. Lately I've been finding broken egg shells on the ground under the tree, so I guess the little ones are hatching.

Betsy Brock said...

You got some amazing photos shooting blindly like that! Aren't those blue eggs amazing?

Linda said...

So lovely, Larry! Thank you so much for sharing these photos.

Valerie said...

I have never seen blue eggs before so thanks for showing them. It is amazing how birds build their nests. I am planning to buy the book The Thing With Feathers which is all about bird behaviour.


  The sunrise with color lasted only for a few minutes.  Its a cloudy day and the sun is covered over with the clouds. The earth is tilting ...