Friday, June 13, 2014


A big surprise in my garden also was the sight of this out in the garden.  All the iris in that area had bloomed and were already spent for the season.  I drove into the driveway on Wednesday returning home and there it was poking its bloom up from among all the foliage.  I had shared this earlier on my Creative Zone posting but I just liked the photo so much and the colors of this old fashion iris that I thought I would just share here too. 


Anonymous said...

Very pretty photo of a gorgeous bloom.

George said...

I really like this beautiful bicolor iris. What a great surprise.

claude said...

Really, a very nice surprise.
Thank you for showing it.

Arlynda Lea Beuterbaugh said...

"Larry's Photo a Day" has been included in my Arlynda Lea's Sites to See #4. I hope this helps to call attention to your efforts.

Valerie said...

The outer colour is so vibrant and then it softens into that creamy it.


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