Sunday, June 29, 2014

More Apples......

I am sharing a newer photo of apples on my tree. I was shooting the wren at the birdhouse and notice these two guys were coming into focus.  I noticed a lot of little apples on the ground under all three of my trees but there are apples still on the trees.  There is a much smaller amount compared to last years harvest but there are some on there. I will need a ladder to reach most of them this year.

I remember reading an article a few years back where some orchards actually thin out their apples so the ones left will get larger.  I think all the wind and hail and heavy rain has done that for me.  I have yet to see a pear on the tree but I haven't look too hard but maybe will in the future.


Anonymous said...

I remember great aunt Lucy having pear trees when I was little. They sure made good preserves.

Betsy Brock said...

It's always fun to see fruit on the trees! I hope the natural thinning the weather gave you gives you big juicy apples this fall!

A Cold Moon.....