Friday, June 6, 2014

Three Shots Today ..........

We all know that the weather makes the difference from a good photo to a great photo. I was having a hard time getting a good shot of this as it was cold and windy and the falls would always be rolled under on the edge.  Finally I caught a day when it was calm and warmer and the iris was displaying itself perfectly.  This is one of my cemetery iris of my collection of iris.  My photos seem to make it look like I had a great show of flowers this year but I did not.  I have tried to get close up shots of the few and I am glad I can view those as they are mostly  gone now except for one other planting.

This is the only iris that I had this year that bloomed like a normal year with dozens of blooms.  It too is a cemetery iris that is small in stature but great with color.  The line marking three of these on the falls are really similar in design.

Here is a repeat showing of this one so you can see the line pattern on the fall parts of it.  They are all three similar even though the white one just shows lines and not color differences. Three photos on a photo a day blog.  I think that is my record number of shots on this blog.


Linda said...

Really gorgeous, Larry. I find sometimes that the sun can work against me, especially if it is very strong. Thank you for sharing this beauty around you.

Kay said...


Anonymous said...

These are very pretty. The detail is incredible.

Cranberry Morning said...

I love the iris. I have purple ones, some purple and white, and some rust-colored ones. I was thinking tonight that I should get some white or yellow to go with the purple. On the rare year that my California poppies bloom at the same time as my purple iris, it is a gorgeous sight to behold. But that happens so seldom..
Enjoyed your flower pics. :-)

Valerie said...

Someone once told me irises were temperamental... I believe they just react to the weather.... as you have shown with your pictures.

Jeevan said...

Captured them lovely even they are few!! Beautiful patterns

A Colorful World said...

They are just beautiful, Larry. Sorry you haven't had many flowers bloom this spring/ early summer.


  The sunrise with color lasted only for a few minutes.  Its a cloudy day and the sun is covered over with the clouds. The earth is tilting ...