Saturday, July 19, 2014

Bee Balm..........

The camera that my wife and I own has never been able to take a good photo of Monarda, Bee Balm.  The  color of the flower doesn't register well with the camera's automatic focus.  I have been taking a lot of shots in the sun and in the shade and it just isn't working well. The windy day that I tried was a great disaster. I like growing this plant as it requires no care.  It grows under my ash tree in the back yard and keeps spreading out as it grows.  I mow some of it down as it is headed towards my back door.  

On another theme the ash tree did eventually leaf out but it is showing dead sections in it now.  This means the ash bore is in central Iowa but those who report this  stuff about its spread hasn't really asked me about it.  It is creeping across the country with the emerald bug spreading destruction and death to the Ash tree.


Anonymous said...

Sad about the ash tree.
I love bee balm too. Mom and I had a variety that was deep purple. It has a pleasant fragrance, too. As I remember, we had some trouble with mildew on the leaves.

A Colorful World said...

I think your photo is wonderful! And I really love monarda. I used to make tea by mixing the dried leaves with regular black tea leaves, for an Earl Grey. Of course, the flowers attract the butterflies and hummers. It's a wonderful plant!

I have been away the last 13 days on vacation, and have just started posting the photos.


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...