Sunday, July 20, 2014

Just Leaves.........

I have been bombarding you with blooms for quite some time.  I saw a chance yesterday to give you a different focus.  The muskmelon seeds I planted seem to now be settling in and starting to spread.  The leaf of this plant is similar in shape and yet it does has a shape of its own.  I was hoping I was seeing buds forming while I was taking the shot but as I look at the photo I just was thinking wishfully.  The melon itself was one of those small ones that was given to us last  year.  I saved the seed and now have a few vines of my own growing.  We will see how this little activity turns out in  August.


Betsy Brock said...

It looks nice and healthy! I hope you get some melons!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I hope you get some melons.

Jeevan said...

Beautiful foliage!

A Colorful World said...

A healthy lovely plant!


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