Saturday, July 26, 2014

Coneflower Flurry........

The coneflowers are back and better than ever from the last two summers of heat.  I had not been out to the area for a few days and when I walked out there they were blooming everywhere.  I know that they look like they have taken over the garden but I like that.  I am sort of a country garden person where there really are no boundaries.  If they decide to take over the area where I plant tomatoes I will just plant tomatoes somewhere else.  I was concerned that I didn't have the darker colored coneflower and I now realize that dry weather keeps the flowers looking pale in contrast to a well watered flower.


Kay said...

I see so many people posting these flowers in their photos. Have never seen a flower like this in Southern California.

Anonymous said...

I love the purple coneflowers. We don't have any so thanks for sharing yours. I don't blame you for being happy that they are spreading!

Valerie said...

I don't know if coneflowers grow here but if not - why not? They are lovely. I'm a bit of a haphazard gardener, I enjoy flowers wherever they grow. Since turning over part of the garden to the wildlife I am amazed at what pretty flowers do grow without me having planted them.


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...