Friday, July 11, 2014

Fritillary Butterfly....

I don't remember ever seeing this kind of butterfly when I was young living in southern Iowa. I had to look it up on the net to find out what it was when I first saw them a few summers ago.  I am so pleased to see it around as there are not a lot of butterflies out there so far.  I have seen one swallow and one monarch butterfly.

This butterfly was warming itself on a large leaf when I went out to the garden to mow.  I went back to get the camera and it faithfully stayed in the area as it really did need to warm up.  I think the moister on the leaves were of interest to it as well as the sun shine.


Valerie said...

Butterflies here don't wait around for people to get their cameras. How lucky you were to get such good shots.

Anonymous said...

You know how I love butterflies. Both of these photos are excellent. I've never seen that first one before!

claude said...

Very beautiful butterflies !
Not a lot over here. We stand near a corn field and I suppose the farmer uses chemical treatments.

Jeevan said...

Great photos there with good light! Glad it remained there to share with us

ScrappySandie said...

Two great photos, Larry! What an amazing close-up showing great detail that first photo it!
