Thursday, July 31, 2014


While working in the garden yesterday I notice this butterfly flying from one coneflower to another.  I went to get the camera thinking it wouldn't be there when I returned.  I was wrong as the swallowtail stayed out there for quite a while.  I had so many photos that I didn't bother to edit some of them.  Later I was out with my wife and I told her to bring the camera.  I wanted her take a photo of a volunteer sunflower that was blooming.  While out there we went out into the coneflower area and there were two  swallowtails.  So my wife took a lot of photos too.  I was glad my wife got to see them dancing around as they were really not too concerned about the people around them.


Betsy Brock said...

Gorgeous photo...absolutely perfect!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo. We had a black/blue/orange butterfly on our roses yesterday but I could not get a picture. I am happy to see more butterflies this year.

Kay said...

Very nice capture.

claude said...

Wonderful butterfly !
I saw one only once.

Valerie said...

A perfect picture, Larry.

Jeevan said...

Glad you both had some fun chasing butterflies in garden :) Lovely capture Larry

A Colorful World said...

How nice of the swallowtail to stay there until you could go get your camera! :-) The photo is wonderful! I don't see many butterflies, and then usually the smaller varieties, and they are gone in a flash.


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