Friday, August 1, 2014

Wild Sunflower........

My wife is the guest photographer today of this volunteer sunflower.  The birds planted this sunflower in my front yard.  It was coming up next to a privet bush and I left it.  I was pretty sure it was a sunflower and I just  left it to see what would happen.  My wife wants to paint some sunflower paintings so I mentioned she needed to take photos of this one.  The sun was out and the bloom is in great shape as it just opened a day or two ago.  The plant has many buds on it so it must be the variety that the bird farmers harvest to make up their bags to sell.  I can visualize the combine they use to harvest a field full of them chewing up the plant and all gleaning out the seeds in a hopper.


Karen said...

What a pleasant surprise to have it come up "volunteer"! I am amazed at how much AJ has grown. So adorable!

claude said...

After e very beautiful butterfly, a wonderful sunflower. Another surprise. Thanks birds !
In my back yard, birds drop somme palmtree seeds and now I have a little nursery.
Have a nice week-end, Larry !

Valerie said...

A gift from the birds, how nice. My feathered friends aren't so generous... smiles.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful volunteer sunflower.

A Colorful World said...

Great shot! What a nice gift! I had one come up my first summer here, next to the sage, and took photos.


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