Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wet and More Wet....

They daylily still has the water beading on it after it has been in the rain for the whole day.  I find it unusual that the bottom bud opened up before the top bud. We have had too much rain, wind, and hail.  We are promised a quiet dry day tomorrow. July has now arrived and we will see what will happen now.


Valerie said...

We expect the weather to change now but it's rather hesitant. I hope the lily enjoyed it's long drink!

Betsy Brock said...

rain is good...hail is not! Hope today is much calmer for you!

Cranberry Morning said...

Hope your weather settles down. I think we've had rain here every day for a long time. I haven't had to water the garden once yet. Pretty irises!

Hilary said...

"June has now arrived and we will see what will happen now."

We've had the same weather. Only here, July has now arrived. ;) You must be willing to relive the past month. ;)

Lovely pic, Larry.

George said...

This is a beautiful daylily. We have one very similar to this. I like the raindrops you captured.

Antique Acorn.....