Thursday, August 21, 2014

Black Swallowtail........

I have evidence to prove that I did see a black butterfly.  I didn't think I was ever going to capture her on the camera.  I went out and took three shots before she left.  I got this one good shot and one blurry one.  It just was not friendly like the yellow eastern tiger swallowtails.

The second shot that I took is an amazing view of the butterfly but it doesn't give anyone much information about it.   I will be interested to see if it will come back and visit again.  It took off going up the street once I started taking pictures. I did look it up for identification and it is a female swallowtail because of the blue coloring on the inside base with an orange dot centered at the base. I wanted to get a side view but that didn't happen.  They are mostly just black on the  outside of the wings with very slight pattern of gray shapes. I do hope to get a better photo of it another day.


Anonymous said...

I love the butterfly! Sometimes I go out chasing a particular butterfly and NEVER get a shot!

The Furry Gnome said...

Great sighting! I've never seen one.

claude said...

Wow !

Valerie said...

You did better than I ever would. The second shot is rather good. It's not often we see that expanse of wings on a butterfly.

Jeevan said...

I ever got chance to capture a good shot on butterflies, as they keep moving every time I try. Truly amazing shots and good observation

Mourning Dove...