Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fallen Fruit.........

When I first started this blog I really wanted it to be just a posting of a good or better than average photographs.  The visual was to be not a slappy, happy snap.  I guess I have succeeded in trying to keep my quality higher on this blog than on my other posts.  I do want things to not be in a rut but flower after flower photo is taken because of the season they bloom.  I am trying to expand the subject matter variety but it is easy to take the quick shot of the beautiful.  I hold back on great photos sometimes and then forget to ever post them.  Regardless of all the rambling I hope to keep growing as an artistic photographer.  I am becoming more aware of the less beautiful and will try to get the subject matter expanded. 

The fallen apples are a result of me picking them up from the ground and putting them aside before I go for the major job of picking the apples from the tree. I don't know the name of the apple tree but it is getting to be old and large. I had these apples in the wheel barrow for quite a while and I have some lined up on the top of a sawhorse under the other tree.  I do have animals that like to eat at the fallen ones so I try to check every couple of days for the ones that I could really peal and have some clear fruit inside.

 The tree is probably 30 years old or more. When I pick out a tree in the catalog, it must say great for pie making. I suppose that I could find the variety that it is by going through the seed catalogs.  The tree is in need of a good pruning but that happens only when I feel like doing it. I will need the tall step ladder for this tree and the other by the shed to pick the apples.


Anonymous said...

Nothing better than warm apple pie. Do be careful climbing to reach the fruit.

I enjoy all of your photos.

We just ordered a gardenia from Wayside Gardens...we have a spot that is very wet near a downspout and the gardenia should do well there.

Betsy Brock said...

I like that still life photo...maybe even more than the blooms! ha.

That tree is huge!

Valerie said...

I have two tree about the same age, Larry. One is a dessert apple (I was told it was a Howgate) and the other produced cooking apple. Both have pretty much 'gone off' now but the birds love them. I never thought to take a photograph of them so you put me to shame. It's great to take shots of the not so beautiful stuff.

A Colorful World said...

I like the artistic quality of the shot...even fallen not so pretty fruit has a beauty. It reminds me so much of my childhood too. My grandmother had three apple trees in her front yard and we would climb them with a salt shaker, and pick the apples, salt them and eat them. There is nothing better in the whole world! :-)

If you want to make sure your photos get posted, keep them out of any folder in your My Pictures, then once they are posted, move them into a folder (Summer 2014) (Flowers) whatever you want them designated as. It helps! :-)

Fern Leafed Peony...