Saturday, August 9, 2014

Monarch Mania.........

I finally had a monarch show up in my garden.  I have not seen one all summer.  The coneflower kept it so busy that I could approach it easily.  I always first get close to the sunflowers just in case they butterfly spooks easily.  This one did not seem bothered at all with me snapping shots. 


Betsy Brock said...

Yes, I would say she posed very nicely for you! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot.

Karen said...

Summertime and butterflies! Enjoying your photos!

Valerie said...

Stunning pictures, Larry, and equally stunning butterflies.

A Colorful World said...

Wonderful photos, Larry!

Spring View....

 I took the shot of the birdhouse on the pole but I got a picture of a tree instead. When the leaves form we never see the birdhouse.