Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday's Shot......

Bee balm is an unusual flower when you think about it.  I have lots of bees this time of year really swarming and collection nectar from the flowers.  The bees are so busy that they can be seen chasing the butterflies away from the coneflower.  I am sure they are coming from my friends three bee hives that he has on the opposite side of town. That distance would probably be about 5 blocks away by the way the the bees fly.  The rains are really knocking down the looks of most of my flowers. 


Valerie said...

It is certainly an unusual flower. I've not heard of it before. Interesting about the bees chasing the butterflies away.

Karen said...

This is interesting. I love the brilliant pink color!

Jeevan said...

Very pretty and colorful flower!


 Old glass pieces that have no planned arrangement.  I guess it is call a candid shot. It is a lesson in how not to take a photo.  I even cu...