Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bowl Full of Jello.......

Memories are sometimes all that we have.  Sometimes though, an item, a writing, or a piece of glass has definite memories that can bring back the times in an instant.  My Grandmother Brooks lived on a farm north of us a few miles and her farmhouse seemed to be the meeting place for Christmas or Thanksgiving every other year.  Her house was small but the spare back room was used for the dining room.  On the same large oval walnut table that I now own sat all the food from all the families that were at the event.  The potlucks were fun.  At the table there was always red jello in a glass bowl with bananas sliced into the gelatin dessert. It was my grandmother's favorite and always watched for it being on that oval table.  It was probably what she could afford. I don't know the company that made it but I have a lot of glass pieces that have that same star pattern on them as seen on bottom of the bowl.

The table itself isn't so big but many boards made it bigger back then.  I remember it being large while in fact I think the room was actually small. The table will set four when it isn't stretched.  I also now have the bowl. There are small fruit dishes to go with it.  I really don't remember how it came my way unless my mom gave it to me.  My mom probably didn't know that grandma had already given me a different glass bowl set with small dishes in a different pattern but I enjoy both of them. Both sets mean a lot to me now as most adults at those family outings are now gone.  One aunt is all that is still living.  The table and glass dishes are a wonderful way to relive the past with such more simple times.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this post very much, Larry. What a treasure to have these glass bowls, dishes to remind you of special times spent together. Certain dishes and certain recipes always bring a special loved one to mind for me, also.

The Furry Gnome said...

What a treasure indeed! We have a few similar dishes that came from grandparents' homes. And similar memories of Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners!

Valerie said...

The glass bowls will always bring memories for you, Larry. That's really nice. I have certain pieces that will never be given away because of the memories they produce.

ScrappySandie said...

Very much enjoyed reading about your fond memories, Larry. Those memory-triggers are wonderful! I'm glad you use the bowls instead of just letting them hide somewhere. I made jello in a special bowl similar to that once not realizing it was crystal and it cracked into hundreds of pieces! What a mess.


  My wife’s cake looks so good. Me being a double diabetic it looks like a good way for me to pass out from extreme high blood sugar count.