Saturday, February 14, 2015

Our Speckled Friends.......

I don't quite like them as they are big and pushy.  They put on quiet a show as the do a dueling starlings in the air.  I am really trying hard to get that photo to share. They are speckled and big and can eat up a cake of suet in a couple of days.  They can be driven off by a red bellied woodpecker but they don't seem to be around much these days. I have learned to tolerate the starlings as they act like crows.  I don't like that they eat me out of house and home.

I will share an extra photo today as it is Valentine's Day.  The warmer weather that we had for a couple of days did slow them down from the feeder.  As the wind blows and it is very cold again I will put out more sunflower seed.


Kay said...

Hi Larry,
I love your bird shots. They are so colorful.
Just wanted to say thanks for all of the wonderful comments about my dog Hiker. Just wanted to mention that Hiker is a female dog. A lot of people mistake her for a male because she is very muscular. She is my best friend.

Valerie said...

Gosh, I almost didn't recognise the starling. It is another bird that seems to have disappeared, at least from my area. And we used to have such a lot of them, too.

Cranberry Morning said...

Starlings aren't my favorite either, but they need to eat. I love the cardinals!
